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Raspberry Falls Women's League
Give Us Your Feedback!
1. If you are currently a member of Raspberry Women's Golf League, do you plan on playing in 2019?
2. If you are currently a member of Westpark Women's League, are you interested in joining the Raspberry Women's League?
3. Which of the days listed below would you most likely be able or want to golf?
4. How many times a week would you golf?
5. Would you be willing or able to commit to a specific tee time on a regular basis?
6. What time of the day do you want to golf?
7. If an AM tee time is not available, does that mean you would not join or participate in the league?
8. Do you want to play 9 or 18 holes on a regular basis?
9. Is cost a factor in your decision to join the league?


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